BDSM Massage

What is BDSM massage?

“BDSM massage” is a specific type of massage that combines elements of BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission, Sadism, Masochism) with massage techniques. This unique massage service is designed for those who want to explore the world of BDSM and erotic play in a safe and controlled environment.

BDSM massage can include elements such as:

  • Fixation: the use of shackles or other instruments to restrict movement.
  • Disciplinary Techniques: gentle to intense techniques that may include spanking or other forms of physical discipline.
  • Dominance and submission: role reversal where one partner dominates and the other submits.
  • Sadism and masochism: the experience of pleasure from inflicting or receiving pain.

It is important to note that BDSM massage is always performed with clear consent and under agreed terms that respect the boundaries of all parties involved. The key elements are safety, communication and mutual respect.

Safety and professionalism

BDSM massage requires an experienced and competent masseur or masseuse who is well versed in BDSM practices and has the skills necessary to ensure the safety and comfort of the client. Our experts are trained in dealing with the potential risks and safety aspects of this form of massage.

Who is BDSM massage for?

This massage is ideal for those who want to explore their sensuality and erotic fantasies, whether they are new to the BDSM world or already have some experience. BDSM massage offers the opportunity to have a deep emotional and physical experience within a safe and respectful environment.

If you are interested in trying BDSM massage, it is important to find a professional who will provide this service with an emphasis on safety and respect for your boundaries and needs.

Book your BDSM massage with us at FOX Club – Erotic Massage Prague and experience an extraordinary world of sensuality and excitement. Your well-being and satisfaction are our top priority.

Price of massages